The first day of school, my little girl isn't really ready for Kindergarten is she? Emma was so ready for the big day, she had her clothes chosen and her hair-do planned. Mom and Dad on the other hand had a hard time letting her go. We went to the playground and into her classroom with her. She kept giving us the "would ya leave already" look.
She quickly found Jillian and Riva on the playground, these are friends from Kreative Kids Preschool, they are all three in the same class. YEAH!

We had to get in one more camping trip before school started. We headed to the South Hills.
We went on a four-wheeler ride and saw a dead cow, Emma was riding with Ed and this is what she said "Uncle Ed, he doesn't look like he's feeling so good" Ed was cracking up, and so were the rest of us once we stopped and he told us. She is very entertaining and we are glad that Ed loves kids. We are lucky to have such good friends/family.