We've been sick at our house too...

Thankfully, Emma is very cooperative with her breathing treatments.
She had a terrible cough and slight fever.

Last Thursday Elly was diagnosed with Strep. I knew something was wrong because she was so irratable and had a slight temperature. I thought it was just getting that last tooth in but daycare said otherwise. I took her in to the Dr and was glad I did. As you can see in the picture, she is salivating so much, I never knew that was a sign of strep.
You can't tell but she is sitting in a box, I've said it before and I'll say it again...who needs toys when ya have a box???

These are our treasures from the pumpkin patch. On a bench made by yours truely.

Don't all girls wear dresses and fancy shoes with tights to the pumpkin patch?

They had fun! It was just a few miles from our house so we will make it a yearly to do.

This was her favorite.

She thought she was so BIG.
I am still picking straw out of her carseat, and probably will be for days to come!

Elly was supposed to be painting her pumpkin...

My artist, hard at work.

A princess and something???
I still love my countertops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Had to throw that in there.

Nice work. Carving will come later, when Daddy is home to help.

After a busy day picking and painting pumpkins...LASAGNA, yummy.