Tuesday, December 14, 2010

more than a few of my favorite things

This post is about my favorite things this time of year!

Mornings at our house begin with a piece of chocolate!
Here is Emma and Elly's tree. I put it up and did nothing more. All of the ornaments are under 4.5 feet and I love it!

We still haven't built a FrOsTy at our house because we have grass but in ten days we will be in a winter wonderland making angels and snowmen.

These carolers are from Eric's grandma, quite a few of the grandkids have matching sets.
I just like this tree.
Yet another reason to love COSTCO, they have great BIG poinsettias.

LOVE this guy.

You can't really see the garland but it is quite cute.

Can ya tell I like snowmen?

One of Emma's first daycare ladies made these years ago for each family, perfect on the candle holders I must say.

One of my B-day presents. I got these snowballs at a great craft store here in Twin, love them.
Not to mention that they look super cute under these...

I got these at the Dollar store, cha-ching

A nice touch to the dining table. I just wish we could look out the window and see snowflakes.

My kiddos hands.

I walked by Elly's room on my way to do laundry and this is what I saw, I had to sneak in and get a picture. I LOVE her.

Here's my little Rudolph right before we left for her recital.

LOVE her too.

taking her bow

I tried to upload the recital but it didn't work, I'll try again another day.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Since my tree is in my house...

Maybe I should post Halloween!
The staff at MVHS dressed in Alice attire.

I couldn't be as ellaborate as some because I had to leave early so that I could see my little chicken and all her buddies sing to the Grandmas and Papas (as she called them).
I need to get a staff photo because we really all looked great.

The kids had been working so hard on their songs. Mrs. Ana didn't really think that Elly would sing much, nor did she know the songs...she was wrong, Elly did great as did they all.

They did sign-language to a few songs.

kick 2,3,4, remember to sing 2,3,4

After "You've got a friend in me" Sully gave Elly a big hug.

They had to point to their friends and El pointed to Mrs. Ana. So sweet.

Minney should know that she can't show her effection while he's on duty. What would Mickey think?

Here we begin our Halloween vacation, BOO at the Zoo.

Chicken Little loves her Papa.

Aunt Birdie had to work at the Zoo, the Pediatric Center had a booth.

Somehow this is the only picture that I managed to get of Zach.

Us, Eric does exist.

Thanks Amanda for some AWESOME nails once again!

Now onto Saturday night trick-or-treating in Ashton.

3 generations of witches! I wish Bradie would have been with us.

My Grandpa and I.

Amy, someone stilll managed to get the light on.
Below are silly things that happened after we put away our brooms and treats.
Drake and Emma were in charge of the camera for most of the following...

I love her! When her changed her out of her costume she told us that now she was a hunter!

She's gonna love that I put this one on here.

Does she have an abnormally long tongue?

We all had this mask on throughout the evening and right before bed she put it on, she looked so funny.

Chase scared me with this stupid mask many times in HS as I'm truely afraid of aliens. If I was late for curfew then this would oten be in my bed along with other aliens in my closet and so on.

Monday, October 25, 2010

When witches can't party...

My mom, sis, daughter, and I were supposed to spend Saturday night in SLC attending Witches Night Out at the Gardener's Mill, that didn't happen! At the last minute, our sitter canceled and we weren't about to take 5 children with us. So, My mom, sis, and crew came to visit us.
We had a great time shopping, playing at the house, having our own episode of Dancin with the Stars, beading, eating, and the most FuN of all was had at Hop 2 it!

Here we have two teenagers, or so they think.
At the baseball game, there is a cone that sends out air for the ball to float on, the kids found an alternative use for it.

Hey Doc, if you ever want to see a kids' tonsils...

Fish even hit the ball.

Don't get stuck!

I loved jumping with my girl.

"Mama, get in here" she actually did jump but I didn't get any pictures.

cute lil Fish

I love to see them have Fun, I jsut can't think about the germs. GROSS.

Grandma tried to take a swing at it but two others were pretty sure that they needed to play.

Fish, you're really not supposed to climb into that one.

She hit it this time, the camera was jsut delayed.
(you would think that since she is the one with the bat, that Fisher would be the one looking like she does in the last pic)

Here is Zach in the joust arena. He was flipping over the handle resting on the two stands. He was quite surprised when his almost 30 yr old Aunt Beet showed him up with a few flips of her own. That's right I've still got it!

such a poser

"Let me play"

She is so cute and sweet!

Who is this kid's mom? She should learn to do her kids' hair!

Go Marzapon. She was more brave than Fisher.

Sometimes you gotta shed some blood!
Fisher head-butted her as she attempted to take the bat from him.
We are looking forward to spending Halloween weekend in Ashton, who knows, maybe I'll post that in a timely manner as well???