Monday, March 29, 2010

more Emmaisms

Last Friday on our way to town Emma was gazing out the window and said "mom, what is in those fields?" I replied "nothing, the farmers are getting them ready so that they can plant" she said "well, if all the farmers would plant flowers then we would live in a beautiful world!"

That day when I picked her up from daycare her teacher told me that she said this: "Mrs. Ana, I'm never having kids" Mrs. Ana said "what do you mean?" Emma said "I'm just never having kids, and don't worry about it, I've allready talked to God about it" Mrs. Ana said "why not" and she responded with "cuz I don't like babies, that's it, I just don't like them!"

Can you imagine living in a world full of flowers with no babies???

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Elly's surgery

Wondering where we are...

Not real sure about the hat, and wondering why she's leaving with a lady wearing a hat just like her's...

My poor girl's hand when she returned to me about 45 minutes later...

Groggy girl, drugged-up...

still sleeping...

After they took the IV out, she really wanted the bandages off, you can see her other little hand trying to rip them off. She bled a lot and has a big bruise. They tried both feet first and had no luck so she also has bruises there.

later that night, yawning with her nasty breath. We make her wear a bib now because she drools so much.
Before bedtime she was snugglin with her big sis.

We are glad it's over!