My mom, sis, daughter, and I were supposed to spend Saturday night in SLC attending Witches Night Out at the Gardener's Mill, that didn't happen! At the last minute, our sitter canceled and we weren't about to take 5 children with us. So, My mom, sis, and crew came to visit us.
We had a great time shopping, playing at the house, having our own episode of Dancin with the Stars, beading, eating, and the most FuN of all was had at Hop 2 it!
Here we have two teenagers, or so they think.
At the baseball game, there is a cone that sends out air for the ball to float on, the kids found an alternative use for it.
Hey Doc, if you ever want to see a kids' tonsils...
Fish even hit the ball.

Don't get stuck!
I loved jumping with my girl.
"Mama, get in here" she actually did jump but I didn't get any pictures.
cute lil Fish

I love to see them have Fun, I jsut can't think about the germs. GROSS.

Grandma tried to take a swing at it but two others were pretty sure that they needed to play.
Fish, you're really not supposed to climb into that one.
She hit it this time, the camera was jsut delayed.
(you would think that since she is the one with the bat, that Fisher would be the one looking like she does in the last pic)