This post is about my favorite things this time of year!
Mornings at our house begin with a piece of chocolate! Here is Emma and Elly's tree. I put it up and did nothing more. All of the ornaments are under 4.5 feet and I love it!
We still haven't built a FrOsTy at our house because we have grass but in ten days we will be in a winter wonderland making angels and snowmen.
These carolers are from Eric's grandma, quite a few of the grandkids have matching sets.
I just like this tree.
Yet another reason to love COSTCO, they have great BIG poinsettias.
LOVE this guy.
You can't really see the garland but it is quite cute.
Can ya tell I like snowmen?
One of Emma's first daycare ladies made these years ago for each family, perfect on the candle holders I must say.
One of my B-day presents. I got these snowballs at a great craft store here in Twin, love them. Not to mention that they look super cute under these...
I got these at the Dollar store, cha-ching
A nice touch to the dining table. I just wish we could look out the window and see snowflakes.
My kiddos hands.
I walked by Elly's room on my way to do laundry and this is what I saw, I had to sneak in and get a picture. I LOVE her.
Here's my little Rudolph right before we left for her recital.
LOVE her too.
taking her bow
I tried to upload the recital but it didn't work, I'll try again another day.
Three E's and a B, that's us.
Eric, Britt, Emma, and Elly.
I am originally from Ashton and my husband, Eric is from San Diego. We got married 01/05/02 at a great winter wedding. In 2004 we had our first daughter and in 2008 we added our second girl.