I' ve LOST my camera!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, sorry for no new pictures. It's really bugging me because I always know where that is, keys are another story! Eric got me a new one for Christmas, guess I better get it out of the box. I can't beleive Grey's last night, what a show! I sooooo want a Deric, I'm only off one letter :) I'm such a TV watcher this time of year, Bachelor on Mondays and Greys and then PP on Thursdays. The second semester is under way, I'm close to getting all my kids where they need to be.
Emma is going to a party tomorrow at Hop to it and then to Ashton's for cake and icecream. We are also going to JIVE in the evening. She is very excited and it's been a good week cuz I've held the events over her head. She is excelling at school, she loves coming to my classroom and being Mrs. Anna (her teacher). Right now I have Steele written on both boards and she told me that they better be there next time she comes. She is learning so much so fast. I can't beleive that Kindergarted in only 7 months away!
Elly is doing great in the next room at daycare, she is always soooooo happy. I'm so thankful that she sleeps through the night! She is without binkie now, BIG girl. Her teeth are really funny, they are like chicklets. (I know a pic would be great here) She loves to eat puffs and I love that she feeds herself.
Eric is just Eric, Busy as a cop and a floor guy. He did buy a new car last night and I may kill him, I'll put him in it and then push it off the canyon rim. Maybe I should re-think this cuz the car is worth quite a bit!
That's it for now, I hope to find my camera soon or atleast figure out the new one!