Tuesday, January 27, 2009

the dude

FiRsT thing first, there couldn't have been a better Bachelor last night! Go Jason, getting rid of the three was gustsy but good of him! Shannon was so needy, Nikki was so into herself, and Megan was a CrAzY liar. The problem is that now I like all of them, I'm still rooting for Jillian and Melissa the most but I really do like Stephanie and Naomi also. Molly, I need to see more of. I can't wait for next week in Seattle!

1 comment:

The Ashton Hills said...

Thanks for the re-cap! I don't watch it but I'll just have you fill me in on all the gOoD stuff! I did see a couple interviews before the season started about him and his son, which makes me wonder:
1: Does he make out with all of the girls like all the other Bachelors do? and
2: Does his little boy get to watch?
"Here honey, meet your new mommy!" :)

I watched the one with Brad off and on and thought he was a real piece of work! Totally Hot...but still something else!