We got Elly this horse jumper for Chrismas and up until Sunday, she's hated it!
I guess she figured-out how to jump.
Sunday was a big day at our house, Elly also said Emma. Big Sis was thrilled!
She is at a fun age, aside from teething, which she now has 6 of! She loves hide-and-seek and often pulls a blanket over her head to let us know that she wants to play. She talk, talk, talks. She waves hi and bye. She is eating more and more table foods. She loves her sister, bathtime, and dancing! I'm so blessed to have such a happy camper!
Em's rotteness makes up for El's goodness.
She really is sooooo cute! It is always nice when you can find something to keep them entertained for a while! Even if it's just some measuring cups or some pots or something!!
She is so cute. My kids loved to jump to, and I loved it becasue it wore them out.
So i have hope that someday Khloe might like her jumperoo!! It sits in the living room and ive put her in it a couple times and she likes it for about 2 seconds and thats only if you sit right there by her. I'm thinking it was a waste of money!! Hopefully she'll be like elly and come to like it someday! She is gettin so big cant believe she'll be one in a couple months
Bring on the trampoline!
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