My baby is one!

Yummy, I have to suck it off every finger!

Hmmmm, I like squishing it between my fingers.

Here Dad, you better have some.

I am so blessed to have Elly, she is such a good and happy little camper. She is not walking, nor crawling...just her CrAzY little scoot. She says many words and sometimes a couple at a time. She is a good eater (wouldn't have guessed that would you have), and a good sleeper. She is definately a blankey girl...for those of you who don't know, I still sleep with my baby blanket - I wonder where she could get that habit from? She loves patt-a-cake and peek-a-boo! She is such a joy to have in our lives. Wowsers, I can't believe a year ago today, I took a 5lb 8oz Pinkie Pie...the year has certainly flown by. (and now I'm shedding a tear)