Friday, April 24, 2009

Easter weekend in Ashton

It's been a long time since I've done a is busy.
This is kind of just a collage sort of post.
It really was a nice day but when in Ashton, you MUST wear snowboots.
This was taken as we were at the Marotz family Easter get together.
London and Allie, who somewhat look alike.

Elly and Emma, who look NOTHING alike!

The Egg hunt! She was so determined to get all the pink and purlple.
I didn't get pics of the city egg hunt, this is a hunt put on by Grandma and Papa.

Elly had an indoor hunt!
Emma and Hayden making icecream.
(Hayden, sorry this took me so long to post)
Emma got the Play-Doh icecream maker and Zach got the Easy Bake oven.
(when I was a kid, my uncle Dennis would always be the bunny, he would hide EVERYTHING and we had to find it. In remembrance of you uncle D, Bradie and I hid everything and BOY are they weak seekers, we had stuff high and low, obvious and hidden, and they just couldn't see it.)
That's gotta be good for the loose tooth!

She has wanted this for a long time, man that's a nice Easter Bunny!

OOOOOOOOO so cute how they love each other!
Fisher looks like Elly and Marley looks just like Bradie.
This was their last day in Preemie clothes.
They are getting BIG so fast.
Elly thinks they are dolls, and she wants to love them.
We had a GREAT time while in Ashton.


Hayden Sue said...

Cool! I think Fisher looks like Bradie and Marly looks like YOU!!!

Erin&Ryan said...

oh elly is gettin so big! her bday is next week right? cant believe shes already guna be one! those twins are adorable they make me want another baby! why cant they stay little longer?!

Willis Family said...

It looks like you guys had fun! Your girls are so beautiful!