Here it is, FINALLY, the Disneyland post.
This is how we spent Emma's 5th Birthday!
Em had a pin that said "today is princess Emma's birthday" everywhere we went people gave her a shout out! Staff and guests.

The photos above are taken at the parade down mainstreet, Emma got to be a part of the parade because we were there on her B-day. She thought she was pretty cool!

Gotta love Minnie!

Pull Emma!

In JAIL, where at least one of them belongs!

Monster's Inc

Elly liked her.

Such a poser!

Emma getting sung to by the princesses at Ariel's Grotto. Dad loved that bill, mom took care of that one! It was a fun place, the princesses came to our table, our food was shaped like sea things, and the atmosphere was asthough we were under water.

This is her Minnie that she bought with "dollars" from Grandma and Grandpa Marotz.

Not all smiles... she entered the whale's mouth. She thought she was going to be eaten just like Nim's mom.


Snow White

Sleeping Beauty, the best of all!

She was in heaven!

This is while we were waiting...

...and waiting.

She is such a fun kid! I'm actually glad she wasn't walking for this trip!

The night before we left for our big trip, Emma opened a large box containing this beautiful dress. She was so excited. Thanks, Hudson family.

My cute princesses! In this picture, I think the one in the middle is the best!
We had a great vacation and plan to do it again when Elly turns five.
Thanks to all of you who gave tips on Disneyland, thanks to those of you who sent "dollars" with my kiddos, and thanks again to the Hudson's for the great costumes.
I would love to take Steph to Disneyland, but I won't because I don't think Whitney will cooperate....I think we will try that trip when all our kids are old enough to enjoy it. It looks like your little one was a good girl, though!
Looks like a wonderful vacation!!
Looks like you had a ton of fun! Can't wait to take the kids there some day!
Looks like you had a great time. Makes me homesick!
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