We are still alive! I realize it's been a long time since I've blogged but here I am.
Here are ten things that we've been up to, in no apparant order...
1) We've been sick
This is Elly at the Dr. yesterday. Her ear drum ruptured on Saturday and now she has an inner and outer ear infection in one ear and an outer in the other. ~poor girly~

Eric has a sinus infection. I have strep and was put on two medications and then finally hydrocodone and lidacaine, I was so sick! Emma had strep, an ear infection, and croup, she was put on an antibiotic and breathing treatments. Elly had an ear infection, and then later we found out she really had an ear infection. We have had many sick days at our house and we better be on the mend!

3) My little Picasso has been hard at work, here is her BFF Maitea.

She did this on President's Day. That's her when she's president.

4) Went to Ashton and looked at these beauties. So pretty!

6)Had SNOW much fun at Grandma and Papa's house. My kids love the snow and since we don't get any, they spend lots of time outdoors when we are in Ashton.

Me and my favorite 6yr old nephew

9) LOVE the olympics! Go team USA
10) Started making some improvements in my master bedroom, pictures to come.
That's a little bit of what we've been up to.
Hope you are all well.
I am soooo sorry about all the sickness you have been dealing with! I feel some of your pain...I think one of us or all of us has been sick the entire friggin' winter! I am ready to just all be well again! It looks like you have been having lots of fun!!!
Cute pics Britt! About time you updated!
Glad you are all feeling better.
Okay Whitmore, you better have a new post as well.
Fun to see updates! Sorry we haven't seen each other yet! It is sad....really! We haven't gotten sick yet, but I am keeping my fingers crossed. It is going around like crazy. Let me know next time you go on a date or a girls night out!!!
I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoo proud of you for going on the ski trip! It is way too fun not to do. I cannot even begin to explain how much it grosses me out to hear about kids losing their teeth. I'm really glad she has her A. Braidie to help out on that front! Talk to you soon!
Oh and btw does Patti know you take your kids out in public still in their PJs?
Love the pics!!! Maitea is so flattered by Emma's drawing and none of us can believe how fast Elly is growing up!! She has so much more hair! So glad that you all are on the mend, what a mess of sickness! We miss you guys so much!
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