Wednesday, January 28, 2009

the BIG dog

On monday our poor dog had a big 'ol lump on his bottom, yesterday Eric took him to the vet and today he is in surgery. I had to get some pictures of him and the girls. He is such a photogenic dog, NOT.

hop to it

The kids all had nicely colored teeth and lips after eating Wall e.
Ash's Grandma made a Wall e cake and it was super cool, we hated to eat it but it was yummy!

She totally wanted to play but there were so many rough kids there!

I think the ballpit was Em's favorite place! There were many jumping cages and blow-up slides as well but I guess I was busy in the parent group when she was on those toys.

These are some pics from Ashton's birthday party. Twin Falls badly needed a fun place for kids to go, and now we have one. (I'm such the jerm freak so these places are hard for me but I know that the kids love them so I do my best to sanitize and let 'em PLAY.) Ashton's mom, Erin and I have been friends for 5 years now, we worked together at Old Navy. We both had baby girls this past summer. Erin watched Emma off and on for me when I use to sub. Ashton's dad is a stucco man and he has fixed some holes in our house, from the lovely woodpecker! They are a great family and we hope to stay friends for a long time! At the party we gave Ashton 15 one dollar bills and he soooooo didn't want to open the card because he thought it was just another boring card...maybe he learned that cards are good too:)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

the dude

FiRsT thing first, there couldn't have been a better Bachelor last night! Go Jason, getting rid of the three was gustsy but good of him! Shannon was so needy, Nikki was so into herself, and Megan was a CrAzY liar. The problem is that now I like all of them, I'm still rooting for Jillian and Melissa the most but I really do like Stephanie and Naomi also. Molly, I need to see more of. I can't wait for next week in Seattle!

Friday, January 23, 2009

I' ve LOST my camera!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, sorry for no new pictures. It's really bugging me because I always know where that is, keys are another story! Eric got me a new one for Christmas, guess I better get it out of the box. I can't beleive Grey's last night, what a show! I sooooo want a Deric, I'm only off one letter :) I'm such a TV watcher this time of year, Bachelor on Mondays and Greys and then PP on Thursdays. The second semester is under way, I'm close to getting all my kids where they need to be.
Emma is going to a party tomorrow at Hop to it and then to Ashton's for cake and icecream. We are also going to JIVE in the evening. She is very excited and it's been a good week cuz I've held the events over her head. She is excelling at school, she loves coming to my classroom and being Mrs. Anna (her teacher). Right now I have Steele written on both boards and she told me that they better be there next time she comes. She is learning so much so fast. I can't beleive that Kindergarted in only 7 months away!
Elly is doing great in the next room at daycare, she is always soooooo happy. I'm so thankful that she sleeps through the night! She is without binkie now, BIG girl. Her teeth are really funny, they are like chicklets. (I know a pic would be great here) She loves to eat puffs and I love that she feeds herself.
Eric is just Eric, Busy as a cop and a floor guy. He did buy a new car last night and I may kill him, I'll put him in it and then push it off the canyon rim. Maybe I should re-think this cuz the car is worth quite a bit!
That's it for now, I hope to find my camera soon or atleast figure out the new one!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


It's been a while since I've done a post but I've been super busy! On Sunday we got a new entertainment center, I love it. I've always hated my TV just sitting there. I've been busy at school, semester ends on Friday so the kids are trying to pull up their grades. We've looked at more property and done more work on the house plans. Emma is back to dance lessons, allthough I'm thinking about pulling her...we'll see how today goes. Elly is transitioning to the next age group at daycare, she's growing up so fast! I've been planning Marley and Fisher's shower. I'm missing all the snow in Asthon and looking forward to going there in 28 days. We went to visit our cow for the last time...she's gonna taste good, how redneck is that? I've planned a girl's night for Friday and am very excited to go see Bride Wars. That pretty much sums it up!

Eric will be 33 on Saturday: -)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My Favorite Moments of Christmas Break

It was great to spend most of Christmas Break in Ashton, I loved being there but more important was being with family!
There are so many traditions that I've grown-up with and it was great to be a part of them again this year!!!
..:This post is full of great moments during break:..
Seeking Shelter!

BRRRRRRR but I love it!

SOOOOOOOOOO pretty! Papa used the snow blower to clear a path for Emma, she loved the snow.

Chase looking cute with Kaeli.

Having lunch and visiting with the Sharps.

Christmas Day at Grandma and Grandpa Marotz's house, another favorite! Each family member has a stocking, this year there were 51, it was neat to see my kid find our family's names.

THE Ben 10 car, Aunt Beet is the best!

Emma finding our family pile and Elly watching!

Emma loved her Christmas Eve gift and it was great to see her with all of her cousins.

Christmas Eve has always been my most-favorite part of Christmas. I can't remember a Christmas growing up that wasn't spent with the Marotz family. We do dinner, candlelight service, and a present. It really sets the mood and makes you remember the reason for the season.

Zach, Emma, and Daisy having a great time. We loved seeing them!!!

While the adults were playing cards at the table, El had her own little game on the floor.

"anybody need a six of hearts?"

My baby laughing, she is always so happy! She got her top two teeth on Christmas day.

Mom and Emma making the Marotz famous sour cream cookies!
Some moments that I didn't have pics for are as follows:
1) We made it to Ashton, the roads were terrible.
2)The look on Eric's face Christmas Day when he learned 86 was closed and he so badly wanted to go elk hunting in Boise...oh, toooooooooooo bad!
3)Watching Drake, Em, and Zach rumble. Drake won, no surprise, he's bigger than Zach and Em.
Pictures of us with our gift are still to come!
4) Pennies games with the family, always FUN.
5) Watching Jazz games at Grandma and Grandpa's house. It was great to see Grandpa healthy. It was especially great to see him laugh and give that big ol smile when Yau Ming was kicked out of the game.