Friday, February 27, 2009

my first Girl Scout Cookie

This is what happens at our house when you set down food!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009



We got Elly this horse jumper for Chrismas and up until Sunday, she's hated it!
I guess she figured-out how to jump.
Sunday was a big day at our house, Elly also said Emma. Big Sis was thrilled!

She is at a fun age, aside from teething, which she now has 6 of! She loves hide-and-seek and often pulls a blanket over her head to let us know that she wants to play. She talk, talk, talks. She waves hi and bye. She is eating more and more table foods. She loves her sister, bathtime, and dancing! I'm so blessed to have such a happy camper!
Em's rotteness makes up for El's goodness.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Last night at the dinner table Emma says to us “ Dad, you are the king – Mom is the Queen – I am the Princess – and Elly is my unicorn!"

Today on our way to town she was reciting Hickory Dickory Dock… “Hickory Dickory Dock, the mouse runned up the clock, the clock SHREK twelve, the mouse runned down. Hickory Dickory Dock.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Our February trip to Ashton

papa took emma sledding

lovin papa

little London and big Elly
you'de never guess they are only 2 wks apart.
We had a good but quick trip. Emma went to her first dentist appointment and had a good report, mom of the year would have pics here. We went to the shower on Saturday, we're all ready to meet those babies, and now the Lowes have plenty of baby things. We will go to Asthon for Spring Break and they better be here. The girls got to play with their cousins, and had a great time. It was a good trip but it is good to be home.

Jillian, I have a plan

Remeber Travis, the hot doctor? He and Jil would be so cute together!

The first night I chose Melissa and Jillian as my favs and over time I've come to hate Melissa, I sure hope he chooses Molly.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Who will be the future Mrs. Mesnick




Did we really even need to watch the show last night to see that Naomi was leaving? She's a pretty girl and I repect her morals but she just wasn't Mesnick material. It's a toss up now, I like all three remaining girls. I'm rooting for Jillian! I don't think that Melissa is mature enough for Jason's life, I fear that she wants adventure not a kid! I do beleive that Mol has it in the bag, he can't keep his hands or lips off of her. Who's it gonna be, can't wait to see!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


It's a tumor and we are waiting on lab results to see if it's cancer. His incision is huge and he wants so badly to lick on it but he's too big and can't bend like that! We really hope that we get one more summer of camping with him, he loves being away with us. Eric and the hunting boys hate to lose their guard dog. We've also found out that his thyroid is bad and he is now on meds. I am thankful that he is acting like the same ol Nic.