Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Since my tree is in my house...

Maybe I should post Halloween!
The staff at MVHS dressed in Alice attire.

I couldn't be as ellaborate as some because I had to leave early so that I could see my little chicken and all her buddies sing to the Grandmas and Papas (as she called them).
I need to get a staff photo because we really all looked great.

The kids had been working so hard on their songs. Mrs. Ana didn't really think that Elly would sing much, nor did she know the songs...she was wrong, Elly did great as did they all.

They did sign-language to a few songs.

kick 2,3,4, remember to sing 2,3,4

After "You've got a friend in me" Sully gave Elly a big hug.

They had to point to their friends and El pointed to Mrs. Ana. So sweet.

Minney should know that she can't show her effection while he's on duty. What would Mickey think?

Here we begin our Halloween vacation, BOO at the Zoo.

Chicken Little loves her Papa.

Aunt Birdie had to work at the Zoo, the Pediatric Center had a booth.

Somehow this is the only picture that I managed to get of Zach.

Us, Eric does exist.

Thanks Amanda for some AWESOME nails once again!

Now onto Saturday night trick-or-treating in Ashton.

3 generations of witches! I wish Bradie would have been with us.

My Grandpa and I.

Amy, someone stilll managed to get the light on.
Below are silly things that happened after we put away our brooms and treats.
Drake and Emma were in charge of the camera for most of the following...

I love her! When her changed her out of her costume she told us that now she was a hunter!

She's gonna love that I put this one on here.

Does she have an abnormally long tongue?

We all had this mask on throughout the evening and right before bed she put it on, she looked so funny.

Chase scared me with this stupid mask many times in HS as I'm truely afraid of aliens. If I was late for curfew then this would oten be in my bed along with other aliens in my closet and so on.